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Changes that create impact

Foundation Andez will only supply safe water that we would serve our own children. Our purification systems remove nearly all bio-contaminants as well as the bad tastes and odors that might keep kids and families from drinking it. We reclaim water that was contaminated and make it safe again, and no new chemicals are introduced into the environment.  We test the water on-site and ensure our solution meets and exceeds the World Health Organization’s standards for drinking water.


Low Cost - Stichting Andez conducts its work for a fraction of the cost of typical approaches. Our model is built upon local appropriateness: local people, supply chains, infrastructure, resources and planning are involved at every step. We work with local schools and communities to secure safe water in their own sites rather than building new one, which would be more expensive and less organic. Through point-of-use filtration, we keep costs low and quality high.


Standard but customized solutions - we optimize water delivery for each local partner. Our safe drinking water systems work for all schools or communities, even those without electricity or piped water, ensuring that we have a solution for all schools regardless of their unique infrastructure challenges. Whether dedicated drinking water stations, hand washing stations or central safe water points distributed across Peru, we do what it takes.


Data – we feel that providing safe water alone is not enough. We measure each drop of water remotely, learn from customer usage depending on location, income, etc, and adjust or improve where necessary. We won’t leave a project unattended!



Children & Women

  • We try to get the highest impact among children

  • We empower women to take a leadership role within their community to become health promoters and/or water entrepreneurs



  • Create business opportunities

  • Affordable cost

  • Modular and standardized

  • Easy to use & maintain

  • Education, teach the teacher


In our implementations we use traditional safe water products (point-of-use purification), however next to this we sponsor innovative water vouchers. A water voucher is provided to the end-beneficiary, it allows him or her to tap safe water by means of a simple card at a safe water point. It not only provides safe water to the beneficiary; it creates lasting additional income (and hence maintenance) for local entrepreneurs or schools. Especially for individual families this makes sense, rather than paying for a replacement cartridge (a lump sum amount), a family pays for its usage (day-by-day approach), which fits their typical expense pattern.


A water voucher sponsors demand for safe water rather than supply of a purification unit, which is exactly we like to accomplish. It also allows us to create a direct relation between our sponsors and beneficiaries through advanced technologies. 


Our programs

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